
This page is reserved for sponsors of the IRMMW-THz Conference series. For information on sponsoring a Link please contact us.

The International Society of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves is a non-profit charitable corporation operating under section 501c(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code (EIN 27-0578778). The corporation’s role is to promote the worldwide collection, dissemination and exchange of scientific and technical knowledge in the areas and disciplines involving infrared, millimeter and terahertz waves. Activities include, but are not limited to, (1) organizing, overseeing and maintaining the International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, (2) promoting and interacting with the Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves and the IEEE Transactions of Terahertz Science and Technology, (3) serving as a host organization and distribution agency for the executors of the IRMMW-THz Society Kenneth J. Button Prize, the IRMMW-THz Young Scientist Award, the IRMMW-THz Society Exceptional Service Award and the new Shenggang Liu Educational Foundation Zhenyi Wang Award for Excellence in IR, MM, and THz Waves.

Your US tax deductible contribution will be used to continue the support and promotion of the IRMMW-THz conference series. Of particular interest to the organizers is the hosting of special invited speakers, travel expense relief for students and for participants from countries where funding for scientific participation in the conference is unavailable, and for special programs such as student and best paper competitions. Your contribution is very much appreciated and a full account of all donation expenditures is available from the society treasurer. Thank you for supporting the society.

If you would like to discuss a tax-deductible contribution or gift to the Society, the establishment of an endowment, or the endowment of a special award or prize, please contact Peter Siegel, Society treasurer and General Secretary, at phs.at.caltech.edu.