Thursday, August 21st at 6:00 PM
The Väre building (100m from the main venue)

About the building
Väre is a part of a building block that also includes the School of Business and shopping center A Bloc. The block contains over 47 500 square metres of floorspace: more than the Kamppi shopping center in downtown Helsinki! The walking routes and spatial elements inside the Väre building create a village-like feeling and interesting and usable series of spaces.
Väre is an energy A-rated building, and uses only renewable energy. The building is 90% self-sufficient in heating and cooling, and it has solar panels on its roof to generate electricity. The block was designed by Verstas Architects, consisting of the alumni of Aalto University, which won the international architectural competition held 2012-2013. The main designer is Jussi Palva from Verstas Architects. The name Väre refers to a slight movement on water, caused by touch or other slight interference.